
Monday, June 13, 2016

Compassion for all people.

There is without question, a great deal of pain, hurt, anger and frustration that encapsulates our world today. Political parties constantly fighting about who has the best solutions for this country. Starving, homeless, and destitute people cover the face of this planet we call earth that is shared by us all.
The events that took place early Sunday morning in a club in Orlando, Florida again remind us that the world in which we live in is not made of people who all love one another. From before 911 until now, there has always been a tone, an undercurrent of violence in the world has been reverberating around the globe. Politicians will say this is why we need more gun control, others will say this is why we need more armed citizens. Religious people will say God is judging the lifestyle of those who are homosexual. While others will say God is trying to draw people back to Himself, and he'll use any means necessary to get it done. Smh... But may I say this? Regardless as to what your opinion may be concerning any of the senseless acts of violence that occurred in Newyork, Sandy Hook, Africa or Orlando, one thing is true. We all clutch our loved ones just a little bit tighter. We all move with a cautiousness that maybe we didn't have previously. We all should love people just a little bit more, embrace a little more , encourage each other a little bit more, help each other a little bit more, and believe in a compassion that surrounds us all. It makes no difference what religious affiliation you are when a senseless act of violence is committed against innocent people. Who cares what your sexual orientation is when death comes knocking in the form a gunmen who sprays bullets in a club and kills 50 innocent people, and injuring countless others?? Let me ask you this? Would you stand in the place of judgement or compassion if it were your son, or daughter who was in that club? Would you feel judgement or compassion if a loved one was in that South Carolina church at Bible study and had been mowed down at the hands of a gunmen?
Compassion for all people should rise for such a time as this. If there was ever an opportunity to come together as a nation, as a people, as those who all bleed,  and have families it is now. We are humans who have a hard time getting along with each other in many areas of our lives. But this, should serve as yet another reminded that we are all affected in need of compassion. After all , people truly do need people! May we continue to aid by praying and doing whatever we can to support those who are suffering the loss of loved ones in Orlando.  Sodas down, Waters up!


  1. M man!!!!! You inspire me bro. K Foye

    1. I'm glad it helps my brother! That's what it's all about.
