
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Transition...the great precursor to more.

Who are ya? Where ya been? Where ya goin? Whatcha doin? Life for all of us is filled with so many questions. Some of which we are still,  as adults trying to figure out. Life after all is a journey. Have you ever had a plan and the damn thing didn't go as you planned? Smh... Have you ever had an idea that you thought would revoloutionize your life, only to be destroyed by the negative opinions of other people?? Hmmm.. I have. As I watched my son graduate yesterday I realized that his life is transitioning from Highschool to college. From being a kid to a young man. As I watched him walk with that cap and gown on. I thought about myself some 28 years ago in the same situation. Knowing everything and yet knowing What happens to you, in you, and what you allow to shape you in life has everything to do with who we are today. It's Sooo true that we can't change what has happened in the past. But we can, and will forever be in charge of , what we give ear to and believe about ourselves. For my son this transition phase can be a bit scary. I mean for years somebody else has been telling you what you need to do and have to do everyday. Now suddenly it's all on you in a sense. It's not that you won't have help, but you know what I mean. If anything is going to be accomplished in "your" life, it'll be because "you" made it happen. 
We are all moving from one situation, phase or circumstance in life to another. Maybe some illness has you sidelined. A loss of a job or spouse has you filled with many emotions.  A failed marriage or relationship with your child has you feeling a certain way as they say. Or maybe a business that you believe in didn't work out this time. Whatever the case may be, transition affords us all the opportunity to get more. This "more"may not always equate to material things, but it could. Honestly what I'm talking about has more to do with what you gain inwardly. To be rich in perspective, wisdom, gratitude, knowledge and understanding gives us the ability to rebuild our lives when we don't have much for a material standpoint to work with. 
Let me encourage you with this. You are good enough and smart enough to begin your transition. What you don't have right now, you'll get. But you won't get anything if you don't start moving now! 
So move in spite of what you fear or feel. Ain't nobody got time for dat!! Pow!!!!


  1. This is so true, A. Transitions are hard but necessary if we are going to move on. Good post.

    1. Thanks A.. They are very necessary and many times hard. But you're right. We have to have them if we're going to move on. Thanks!

  2. This is so true, A. Transitions are hard but necessary if we are going to move on. Good post.

  3. Waters up, sodas down!

    It's been a while since I've read your blog. They always hit close to home. So glad you were inspired to blog again.

    1. Thanks Beanie for the inspiration to do so again!! Waters up! Sodas Down!!
