
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Momma i wanna sing!

Dagnabit!!!! &^%$#@@!!! I put away excuses like i do dirty underwear! I will admit i used to have a ton of them for not following through with things on a regular basis. And while i will admit i still have a long way to go, running is something that i NEVER back down from. I train hard, i run hard, i cuss myself out to get the fricken job done because i'm a MACHINE!!! Ya heard??!!! LMBO! But alas, on the advice of some good friends and people who love me im not going to run...SMDH! Yeah yeah yeah! I know! I know! What??!? Not you?? Mr. 4am errday killin it??! Yeah me! Don't get it twisted! If i choose to run the race on Saturday i have NO DOUBT i would finish it. But at what cost to my running future?? I aint tryna hurt myself any further. And even though my foot feels pretty good, i know i need to relax it and get better. I love bling! We have a relationship! I love feeling accomplished and successful. But maaaaaan i aint trippin. I want to run for a loooong time. So im chillin! Yep! Fat Boy runnin bout to sit this one out! I could cry!!! But Momman i wanna sing!! I can hear my mom in my head telling me to "sat down somewhere." LOL!!! Oh well! Can't stop! Won't stop! I feel like im turning into the Incredible Hulk with all this weight lifting,crunches and crap!
Man i just wanna run!! But i realize there is no need to be a hero. I've got nothing to prove to anybody or myself. Can i just pass something on to those of you who may feel like you don't have the ability to say NO to some things?? Just say No! It doesn't matter what people say,do or think! You have the power to just say NO! Don't put undo pressure on yourself by committing to things you know darn well you're not prepared to do. Mmmm hmmm..see! It makes you look crazy and all you do is stress your own self out by doing things you know you shouldn't. Yeah! I know you wanna sing! I know you want to do this or that. But some GOOD things are not always GOOD for you! Got that?? You can be doing a GOOD thing at the WRONG time! Don't make that mistake like i almost did because you want to be SuperMan or Wonder Woman. Put your cape away invisible jet,and your lasso and say no!!! Sing at home! Your Momma would be proud!!
Sodas Down! Waters Up! Peace and Love!


  1. You are making the right decision. Every athlete goes through this kind of thing. You are going to come back stronger, and you are going to get your chance to sing.
    Just keep it in the shower.

  2. Hahahahaa!!! Thanks Mike! I appreciate the encouragment! I can blow man!! hahahha! Love ya buddy!
