
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let it flow.

Here we are. Inside another day that God has allowed us to see and i am grateful for it. This time of year always makes me happy and joyful. But this year it is a bit sad for me; having lost both of my parents. I love them both dearly and i surely appreciate the deposits they made in my life. One thing is for certain in this life and that is, nobody is perfect. When i look at how i was raised and the way i am trying to raise my kids it's important to remember that fact. There truly is no book on parenting, but we all should do the very best we can to make good memories for our children. Quality of life comes to mind when i think of my health and the changes I've made over the last 2 or 3 years. I want so much for my kids to make better decisions, not just in their health but in their own lives. I try very hard to lead by example and in the end that's all any of us can do. My decision today is just to let it flow. I have decided to take what life gives me and just let it flow!!!!!! You know I've said this before but the things you can't change you just have to go over, around our build a bridge and get over it! LOL! Maaaaaan i've come a long way in life, but i know i have so much further to go.
When you look at the flow of a river it never turns around because there is a rock or some object in it's way. Noope! It just gently flows right on around that thing and keeps on flowing! Today, don't let anybody or anything stop your FLOW!  Keep learning, keep loving and keep living! Trust God even when you can't trace Him! A good workout helps to stimulate the mind that God gave you so that your flow stays strong! Get up, Get out and Get into it!! Run, Skip, Jump! Just FLOW!!!!!!
Sodas down! Waters up! Peace and Love!

1 comment:

  1. I am working on letting it flow. It is not always that simple, but I know that it is necessary to not let the busy-ness of our lives bankrupt thef low of peace that we have access to on a daily basis if we just remember that the peace it there for the taking, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. It is not as the world gives that I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not let it be afraid.”John 14:27 I woll try to let it flow.
    Nice post.
