
Sunday, April 7, 2013

You're in the middle of the journey!

Hey crew! Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend as it closes for most of us on Sunday afternoon. Today is sooo beautiful and really makes me feel grateful to be alive!! Anyway, yesterday i set out to run the path for the Half Marathon here in the mountains of Waynesboro,Va. and i had a blast! For those of you who may not know, a half marathon is 13.1 miles. As i parked my car at 7 something in the morning i realized that im in the middle of the journey to a better me. It's crazy because 2 years ago i wouldn't have dreamed of running anywhere!! LMBO! So i started out on the run and felt really good. By mile 6 im straight...shoot!! The sun is shining and the mountains are beautiful and im in my element. Just me, the road and my music on the IPOD. We chillin right?? Then there was a series of rolling hills....ohh boy..yeah the hills. Im thinking aight!! Here we go. Breathe easy and relax...not a problem. You got this! So im running and i realize...Dangit!! I missed a turn and now i have to run back to where i should have so i can be on!! OMG!!! Im a little upset to say the least. But off i go.You know life is a lot like that. When i make a mistake and get off course i need to remember that mistakes are a part of the journey. The middle of the journey is filled with pitfalls and disappointment's,but the decision is always simple. Quit and call for a ride,or press on anyway! LOL! Can i tell you i wanted to call for a ride! But then i thought. Before my ride could get to where i am i could have kept running and FINISHED the run! Sooo!! I kept on running and running and running. There were some flat places on the run that enabled me to recover long enough to get ready for the next series of hills. Again, life is a lot like that. Its seems you get through one thing and you get a little bit of a breather and then here comes something else. See...its all a part of the journey. You and i need to thank God for the periods of life that aren't CRAZY so we can push through the CRAZY stuff that surely comes. I'm running along and as i hit mile 9 I'm thinking I'm almost there!! Just 4.1 measly miles and i got it right? Well it was 4.1 more miles, but they weren't! HILL after HILL after dog gone hill i climbed. Short of breath, legs hurting, calf's tight,sweating like I'm in the Sahara dessert and i want to stop!!!!! But i just know if i keep running i will see the park and I'm all done. That's how it is in the middle of the journey you and i are on. Sometimes you can take lightly the last part of a journey and get cocky. Not realising that nobody knows what the path ahead holds. Stay humble,be appreciative, thank God for everything and give Him all the credit and you'll get more power to PUSH! Some sports teams are like that ya know? Taking light the competition from a lesser team and then when they play them they realise that this team is HUNGRY and wants to win!!! You and i have to stay hungry in the middle of the journey,because it's there that champions are made. OOhh yeah! Champions are made!! They aren't born that way. They fail! They cry! They are filled with contradictions,but they KEEP FIGHTING!! So! In the middle of your journey remember you can do anything you believe you can! For real! Be encouraged and keep doing you! Sodas Down! Water up! Peace and Love!!

1 comment:

  1. The middle can be a tough spot, especially if you do not know how long the journey is. Step, step, step, each one is closer to the end than you were before nomatter how long the trip is; that is what I try to remember. I have my sneakers in a lot of races now and they all seem like marathons, literally and figuratively. I guess the trick is to keep breathing, trust God, and keep moving forward.
