
Friday, February 8, 2013

There's more to you than what people see.

Today i had the pleasure of being in the gym ALONE. Not a soul was there but me. So when i have that opportunity i like to talk and sing out loud!! Sometimes you just want to be silly and say whatever you want without getting strange! At least i don't think anybody saw or heard me?? Anyway, today was sheer will. I woke up to snow and a little ice and im thinking...Nahhh! Ima chill today! But! Neverthelss i made it. It could have easily gone the way of the pillow though. While i was there though i started thinking about the type of person that i am when it comes to life and my perspective about things. I know..i know! I have these deep conversations with myself while im running. But it really does help me to sort through things and hopefully come to some conclusions. What i came up with this morning is not the smartest guy or coolest dude but i am a person who wants to be better. Not just physically,but mentally and spiritually. My approach to life is to live it to the fullest and have no regrets. But a self inventory is sometimes the best medicine. There really is more to you and than what people see. We are unique beings who are constantly "becoming." Working out and taking care of our health just helps us to hopefully be here long enough to see our destiny through. I mean doesn't it make since that while we are here on planet earth that we at least have a great quality of life? I used to think it was all about how much money i could make.Hmm.. But in the end if you don't have peace with yourself and better shell(body)to live in. What good is all that money going to do for you? Aight! Im done! Be blessed and safe on this Fantastic Friday!!! Sodas down! Water up!!! Lookatcha!! Peace and Love!

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